You design the shoesYou design the shoes
Get your Shoes on, girlfriend!

You design the shoes

A doll without heels is like a truck without wheels

A doll without heels is like a truck without wheels

If your high-heeled doll needs new shoes, you need the Fashion Doll Studio shoemaker.

About Fashion Doll Studio

The Fashion Doll Studio shoemaker turns household materials into miniature footwear compatible with Barbie® and other 11 1/2-inch high-heeled dolls.
At Fashion Doll Studio we know that dolls just aren't as much fun without their shoes. We also know that doll owners are creative. They love being able to make their own shoes: * simple shoes with school glue and adhesive tape * elegant shoes with gold and beads * goofy shoes with paper towels and dryer lint.
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